Monday, April 8, 2013
Journey To Nationals
Posted at 9:16 AM
So competition season had officially ended around a week ago. Looking back at it now, I feel so motivated to do better next year. No more wasting time during trainings. My ultimate goal for future competitions is not the champion title, but the even more satisfying prize of hitting all my stunts. I think that's the best title anyone can get.During my IHLCC (Institutes of Higher Learning Cheerleading Championships), We clinched the champion title for Division B. But I dropped my finale pyramid. No matter how many times people tried to comfort me by telling me that it dropped after the music stopped, it didn't change the way I felt about it.
During my CASNCC (CAS National Cheerleading Championships) all girls group, I dropped one of my partner stunts. We got 4th place.
The guilt towards the team and everyone who was rooting for us was unbearable. I can honestly say, I haven't cried like that in a long time. I felt so disappointed with myself. It was so overwhelming.

Basically, to sum everything up, I do not regret a single moment spent. I am so happy with myself for not giving up. You have no idea how many times I told myself:
"Just quit."
It's funny isn't it? How you keep telling yourself to quit, and yet after that 2 minutes and 30 seconds, you still want to go through the exact same hardship for the next 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
The physical and mental exhaustion was no laughing matter. Months of trainings, 6 days a week, from morning till night time each day. Each day filled with blood, sweat and tears. But what kept me going was the fighting spirit that I witnessed first-hand from my teammates in Team White, and my teammates in Team Green. What kept me going was the hard work that Coach and Yuting has put in the team. If they were not going to give up, what gives me the right to let them down?
I saw a different side of everyone that day. I saw the faces of warriors who fought for what they wanted. For what we wanted.
Rest assured, I will work even harder for the next competition season.